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Host Information

If you are interested in hosting a game on your own, you will need to contact us to get a game and code created.  This information will be provided to you and you will be given information of when the password will be activated, which will be shortly before your game begins.  


You will need a way of connecting all participants  to play together.  Zoom works well for this, but other platforms may also work. You will want the ability to screen share. Anticipate that the game will take 1-2 hours to solve.


Assign Characters - let participants know which character they will be or let them choose. All characters are gender-neutral and can be played by anyone.  Participants can get creative with their character if they'd like. Zoom offers the ability to use a background, google will help you figure out how to do this. 


Logic Grid Template- Create a copy of the template, make the template sharable and share the link with all participants so everyone can help keep track of the clues as you progress through the game.


Be sure to provide the following information to players: Zoom/Conference link, Game link/password (provide password at the start of the game), Logic Grid link. 

©2020 by Reasonable Conclusions.

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